Agency Thinking. Video Focused
It’s our tagline, but what does it mean? I think most people can take a guess and come pretty close to the “big picture” but the depth of this statement really needs some unpacking.
At VeracityColab we believe that the best creative agencies in the world are sought after because they accomplish real business goals for their clients with creative ideas. That’s why, as a Video Agency, we believe every video project we do should be helping brands accomplish business goals – first and foremost. In other words, we are thinking like an agency when we develop video ideas that help companies accomplish their business goals. Every successful video starts with understanding our client’s business objective (or problem they are trying to solve), then thinking of and creating the right videos to accomplish them.
Have a Key Persuasion
Each video project we do has what we call a “Key Persuasion”. We finish the statement, “When people finish watching this video we want them to ____________.” Once that’s answered, it becomes the Key Persuasion, and therafter, the video’s “True North”. You can’t be successful if you have no metric for defining success.
Ask the Hard Questions
During our creative development process we host a “Discovery Meeting” with our client. In that meeting we ask several questions, developed over years of producing hundreds of videos. The questions are difficult, challenging and require our clients to have a true pulse on their marketing strategy. It exposes holes (if any) and even helps educate the sales team. It’s really easy to avoid this step because it’s not comfortable most of the time. It’s hard to make your client work. But video is a big investment and we hate to see our clients waste their money or time. We’d rather have a few demanding discussions than ignore the elephant in the room and pay for it later.
Never Produce in a Silo
Agency Thinking requires that we produce each video in context to all other video projects within a campaign or a brand. Agencies should be thinking about the “big picture” at all times, which includes thinking short-term and long-term. It’s our job as a Video Agency to think how each video project will help you now, but also way beyond the “here and now”.
We take that agency thinking, and all the energy of our creative teams, and pour it into video – because video is all we do. We don’t make websites or do print work. Consistenly making goal-achieving videos is difficult it enough. Our Agency-Thinking-Video-Focusd method allows us to solve any business problem thrown at us with the right video. Video has a special way of breaking through communication barriers, connecting with audiences and working well with other marketing efforts to achieve goals. That’s why so many brands use video and that’s why we focus 100% on them.
Become a Master of One
Since all we do is video all day long, we get better and better at it. Additionally, technology is ever-changing and the use-cases for video are growing month-by-month. To keep up takes a lot of focus and energy. Because all we do is video, we’re always staying up to date on technology, best practices and trends.
Value the Trusted Partnership
When brands have a Video Agency that does every type of video, it gives them the opportunity to gain momentum on all their video projects as a whole. I believe that the future of video is vast. The “types” of videos that will be used in every aspect of business haven’t scratched the surface yet. Whenever innovation is moving this quickly it’s always nice to have a trustworthy guide along the way.
Hire Sharp Swords
Many full-service agencies have a few people who do everything within the category of video. This can limit efficiency, capabilities and flexibility within each video project. The power of a Video Agency is that every person who’s on the team is a specialist within the speciality of video – a “sharp sword” ready to go to battle each day in a specific way. This environment produces precise outcomes.
Some of the Perks
So to sum it up, Agency Thinking provides strategy, big-picture thinking, business results, and long-term, relevant client services. Video Focused provides precision, hyper-focused craftsmanship, attention to detail, flexibility, efficiencies, capabilities, and a trusted partner to get the job done right. And that’s why our tagline is: Agency Thinking. Video Focused.