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Product Explainer Series – Experian Boost

To Infinity and Beyond

Experian is all about helping people protect, understand, and improve their credit scores.


The Challenge

Experian came to us in need of a series of explainer videos for their Boost product. And because anything credit score related can be difficult to grasp, the number one thing they needed out of these videos was clarity!

The Approach

We spent a lot of time modeling and animating the rocket to feel just right. It was important that it not feel too cartoony, but just enough “sing along” so that it could carry the audience through each video and ensure comprehension of the information. And although it took us a while to get it just right, the great thing about putting in all the work up front, is that it enabled us to finish each experience video in the series with ease. Take a look at the videos below to experience the full journey you could go on if you were to start using Experian Boost.

The Full Experience Series

The Result

Our client loved these videos so much that they came back and requested a new marketing series with two ad cut downs.

The Marketing Series

The 15 second Ads